If you’re having trouble starting your vehicle, the thing is you will be worried and would wan to know whether the issue is caused by a bad battery or bad alternator. In this article on bad alternator vs bad battery, I will show you how you can tell whether it is a Bad Alternator or Bad Battery that is causing the problem you are facing and we are going to establish this without using any tools.

bad alternator vs bad battery, how to know which is the issue?
Firstly, to know which one is the problem, it’s important that you understand the function of each of the parts which are bad alternator vs bad battery. So, the thing is, the primary task of your car battery is to start or ignite the car, while the alternator’s role on the other hand is to keep the car running by supplying power to the lights, radio, and other electronic components of the vehicle’s computer and engine.
- So to determine which part is causing the issue, I suggest that you start the car and keep it running first.
- Then open the can bonnet or hood and loosen the positive cable that is connected to your car battery. If you notice the vehicle died immediately or shut down immediately, then know that the alternator is likely the cause of the problem you are facing.
- And on the flip side, when it comes to whether it is Bad Alternator or Bad Battery, I will say that if the vehicle continues to run after disconnecting the positive cable from the battery, then it simply means that the battery is the likely cause of the problem.
So now let’s look at what you can do to ensure that your battery and alternator do not go bad.
Maintenance tips for alternators and batteries.
Maintenance tips for preventing Bad Alternator vs Bad Battery that could help delay and stop early failure:
1. Keep Your Battery Clean:
So the first and foremost thing to do is to keep and clean battery cables and terminals regularly. This will help to prevent corrosion and ensure optimal electrical connectivity to all the car computer systems.
Here is how to clean the battery cables and terminals:
Using a solution of baking soda and water mix, soak a towel in it and wipe on the battery and tops and cables, this help remove the build-up that forms on the battery.
2. check Your Alternator Belts:
Worn or loose alternator belts can make the vehicle force the alternator to work harder than it is meant to which eventually will make it fail. So my recommendation is that you should inspect your car alternator belt frequently and look out for signs of wear or looseness and if you find any, then tighten it or replace it if that is required.
3. Use your car electronics wisely:
Running your car’s electronics like the headlights, radio, air conditioning systems, and stereo systems when your vehicle’s engine is off can significantly drain battery power and put extra strain on alternator performance. So I will advise that you try to avoid using these features when you are not driving or when your car engine is not running in order to conserve both battery life and alternator life!
4. Make sure your battery stays charged:
An undercharged or discharged battery can quickly become damaged or fail, so to protect its life and extend its lifespan make sure it always reaches full charge by regularly driving your car or using a battery charger.
Test Your Alternator and Battery Regularly:
Proactively inspecting both components with regular testing can allow you to detect potential problems as early as possible before they cause more serious issues with your car.
So determining whether it is a bad alternator or bad battery that is causing your car troubles is as simple as the steps I showed you above. And to prevent a bad alternator vs bad battery you need to apply or maintain and good maintenance routine. Properly maintaining and caring for both your car battery and alternator can extend their lifespan and prevent premature failure, which will be saving you money and time in the long run

Uchenna is a Radiographer and Auto parts mechanic who recently got his automotive diploma as an auto repair technician, and since then, has worked on fixing various car problems.
Working as just a radiographer, Uchenna didn’t just get all the fulfillment he desired, because he truly loved doing things tilted toward cars. As a kid, he would take apart his toy cars to see how they worked and would spend hours tinkering with his bike.
So, in 2017 he made the tough decision to become an auto mechanic. He threw himself into his studies and now loves every aspect of what he does.
He gets to work with his hands, solving problems and bringing cars back to life, and sharing his knowledge and easy quick-fix guide online are all part of what makes him feel fulfilled.