Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 05:22 am
Hey guys, welcome back to my blog, where we discuss everything related to cars. Today’s post is all about the signs and symptoms of a bent car frame, the causes, and how to fix it.

When it comes to car accidents, one of the most common outcomes or results from the incident is a damaged and a bent car frame. This can actually impact your car’s performance and your safety. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about a bent car frame, such as the signs and symptoms of a damaged and a bent car frame to look out for, the causes of a bent car frame, and how to fix it.
So, first of all, what is a bent car frame?
Well, a bent car frame simply refers to the deformation or misalignment of the structure of a vehicle’s original frame design, which actually serves as a support to stabilize the car whether parked or in motion. The foundation of a car frame is normally made up of steel or aluminum and, when bent, can cause various issues like difficulty steering or turning your wheels, uneven tire wear, and even misaligned wheels. Now, what are the causes, the signs and symptoms to look out for, and how to go about fixing it? If you want to find out, keep reading.
So, let’s dive in and start with the various signs and symptoms of a bent car frame to look for.
Signs of a Bent Car Frame
As I mentioned earlier, a car frame is the backbone of any vehicle, and if there is any damage to it, it can lead to various safety hazards while driving. A bent car frame can happen due to a collision or accident, and it is vital to identify the signs when it is damaged early enough to prevent further damage or even fatality. With that said, here are some signs to look out for:
1. Misaligned wheels.
One of the most noticeable and physical signs of a bent car frame is when the wheels become misaligned. What is misalignment? Simple, misalignment refers to something that is not properly or correctly aligned or positioned in its original shape and design.
For a car, this can happen mostly due to a bent suspension system and other parts of the car frames, like the longitudinal rails, A-B to C-pillars, and the roof rail, etc., that connect the wheels to the frame.
So, when the wheels are not aligned correctly, it can cause uneven tire wear, affecting the car handling and steering, and increasing the risk of a more hazardous accidents.
2. Uneven tire wear.
Another common sign of a bent car frame is uneven tire wear. When the frame is bent, it can cause the wheels to tilt or lean, which can cause one or more tires to wear down faster than the others. This can also affect the handling and steering of the car and increase the risk of tire blowouts or other accidents.
3. Visible bent or twisted frame.
Usually,  a bent car frame is visible to the naked eye, but in some cases, it is not; however, if you notice any visible deformities or twists in the frame of your vehicle, then I will advise you to quickly have it inspected by a professional mechanic or a car body shop. So even if the damage looks minimal, it is still vital to have your car inspected because it can still affect the safety and integrity of the vehicle.
4. Car pulling to one side.
If your car pulls to one side while driving, it could be a sign of a bent car frame. When the frame is bent, it can affect the alignment of the wheels, causing the car to veer to one side or the other. This can make driving more difficult and dangerous, especially at higher speeds.
5. Abnormal noises while driving.
Finally, if you notice any unusual noises while driving, such as grinding, squeaking, or rattling noise, it could be a sign of a bent car frame because your wheel or tires are rubbing somewhere they shouldn’t be. This can be seen, for instance, when the car frame is rubbing against the car bumper or if it has caused damage to other parts of the vehicle. So, if you hear any abnormal noises while driving, it’s best to have your car inspected by a mechanic to identify the root cause.
So now, let’s look at the 4 Causes of a Bent Car Frame.
1. Car accident or collision.
The most common cause of a bent car frame is a car accident and collision. The impact of this crash causes the frame to twist or bend out of shape. This will mostly happen in a high-speed accident, as I said earlier.
2. Hitting a pothole or curb.
Another cause of a bent car frame is when a vehicle hits a pothole or street curb. The impact as well will cause the frame of the car to bent and then damage the car suspension system, leading to the misalignment of the wheels.
3. Overloading or carrying excessive weight.
Carrying excessive weight or overloading a car can also cause the frame to bend or twist. This is especially true and applicable to cars that are not designed to carry heavy loads, and you decide to overload it. So please note now that overloading your car can also damage the suspension system and other components of your car. So please always stick to the recommended load capacity of your car. If you don’t know, check your car owner’s manual, or you can simply google your vehicle’s model vs the load capacity.
4. Rust and corrosion on the frame.
And finally, rust and corrosion on the car frame can weaken the structure of the car and make it susceptible to bending or twisting. This is mostly applicable to older cars that have not been properly maintained, which has made the rust and corrosion compromise the steel used for the foundation of the car’s structure.
So let’s talk about how to fix it.
How to Fix a Bent Car Frame.
So when it comes to fixing a bent or misaligned car frame, the first option and my recommendation is to take your car to a professional auto body shop for an inspection, where they will assess the extent of the damage and determine the best course of action and solution. Why I suggest this is because fixing a bent car frame is a complex process and requires the expertise and technical know-how of an auto body part technician.
And if you choose not to take your car to a body part technician, the second option you have is to do it yourself using specialized equipment, like a frame straightening machine, but this requires a huge investment in buying the machine because they are super expensive except if you have them already or know where to get access to them for free.
With those in mind, here is the Steps on How to Fix a Bent Car Frame
1. Clean up the workspace
Before you begin working on the car frame, it’s essential, you clean up the place you want to work from to create a safe and clean environment when that is done.
2. Place the car on the frame machine.
Using a hoist, lift the car up and place it on the frame machine. The frame machine is designed to hold the car in place while straightening the bent frame.
3. Purchase new parts if necessary.
If any parts, such as wheels or bumper, are damaged beyond repair, purchase new ones.
4. Cut the new part to the size
To fit the new part in place, cut it to the required size. Measure twice to ensure you get the right size.
5. Weld the new part in place.
Once the new part is cut to size, weld it in place. Welding requires skill and precision, so ensure you have an experienced welder on hand.
6. Straighten the frame
Use a torch and some mild heat to straighten any kinks or dents in the frame. Work on the controller mounts to ensure they are straight as well.
7. Use a tower attachment to straighten the frame.
If the frame is bent too severely, use a tower attachment with hooks to pull the frame in different directions to straighten it out.
8. Fix any damaged brackets.
If any brackets are damaged, heat them up and bend them back into place.
9. Reassemble the car
After the frame is straightened, reassemble the car. Reinstall the suspension and all other parts that were removed.
10. Prime and paint the frame.
Once everything is reassembled, prime and paint the frame to make it look new.
So basically, by following the steps in this post, you can fix a bent car frame and get your car back on the road, though it’s a complex job. And if you’re not confident in your abilities, it’s best to seek professional help because some of the steps are cut short due to the length of this article.

Uchenna is a Radiographer and Auto parts mechanic who recently got his automotive diploma as an auto repair technician, and since then, has worked on fixing various car problems.
Working as just a radiographer, Uchenna didn’t just get all the fulfillment he desired, because he truly loved doing things tilted toward cars. As a kid, he would take apart his toy cars to see how they worked and would spend hours tinkering with his bike.
So, in 2017 he made the tough decision to become an auto mechanic. He threw himself into his studies and now loves every aspect of what he does.
He gets to work with his hands, solving problems and bringing cars back to life, and sharing his knowledge and easy quick-fix guide online are all part of what makes him feel fulfilled.